Sunday, December 7, 2008

Sights along the way...

So on our walk to town we saw this apartment with a lift mounted to the wall so we decided to investigate. The guy saw us taking pictures and must have thought we were taking pictures of him. He was very excited and friendly, and decided to wave for the picture. We ended up talking to his wife who explained they use the lift to bring their groceries up in a box from the carport. It saves them carrying the bags up the stairs. We told them we thought maybe it was to lift a person but she said it doesn't have a big enough motor for that. We've noticed there are alot more handicap parking spots and wheelchair ramps into many establishments.

OK Robert, this one is for you! Obviously the owner of this boat--"Gettin' Bent"--is a diver!

How 'bout a drive-thru beer store? Modelo is a Mexican beer, the store is Modelorama!

1 comment:

epic_diver said...

Just so you know gettin bent can also mean to get drunk. If it this person named his boat after the diving injury, I dont think I would be real comfortable diving with the guy.